Tuesday, January 26, 2010


After falling short of my list yesterday I have decided to toss the plan out the window. It is time to simply go with the flow and stay true to the name of my blog. Enough said.

I think it is time for the Revolution of Sharon Elizabeth Zach. I feel like I have been stuck in a rut, a lazy, unmotivated rut, and I want out! I need a personal motivator. How cool would that be? To have someone whose one and only job in life was to make you want to get off your butt and be productive. To have someone who was constantly next to you, believing in you, encouraging you.

I am embarrassed to say that I actually do have a personal motivator. I can't see Him, but I can feel Him next to me constantly. I am ashamed to admit that I so often forget He is there encouraging me, believing in me, telling me I can do the impossible. Something about not being able to see Him makes it hard for me. It makes it hard having to remind myself daily He should be enough to get me going. I shouldn't need anything or anyone else.

This now makes me think of the idea of glorifying Him in all that I do. That should be enough match to light my fire, yet I find myself consumed in what the people that I actually see think. Whoa ho ho, it is time to stop before I get too carried away. Let's leave that topic for another day.

It's been real ;)

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