Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Blog Identity

I have switched the theme of my blog a couple times, and I have finally come to the realization that I want to blog about homemaking. Even though I go to school full-time and work part-time, I long to be a homemaker. Trust me, my mind is much more consumed with thoughts of homemaking, than thoughts of school or work. It just suits my fancy. There are so many things about it that I love, so I thought this would be the perfect place to document.
Eventually I'd love to get all computer savvy and add cool little tabs at the top of my blog and make it all fancy-like, but for now I am keeping it super simple. 
I have a few things I would like to accomplish and master this semester. I'm sure I will think of more things along the way, but here is my initial list:

1. Monthly Menu Planning
2. Set up a daily schedule/routine (and stick with it!)
3. Go through a devotion with Seth
4. Read my Bible everyday (I always find an excuse!)
5. Significantly reduce the amount of time spent in front of the TV/computer every day
6. Throw away at least one thing every day
7. Start to replace our store-bought condiments with homemade condiments
8. Buy more local produce and meat
9. Start a mini-garden
10. Buy less processed foods
11. Start to replace our cleaning products with homemade products
12. Make homemade hand soap
13. Make homemade deodorant
14. Make homemade chapstick
15. Visit The Saucy Cook (A gourmet food market in Lincoln)

What are you looking forward to accomplishing this Fall?

1 comment:

  1. Hey you, cute blogger. Thanks for becoming a follower of mine, and as soon as I have a chance I am going to follow you too, just surfing real quick tonight. Anyway, I LOVE your list, and can't wait to read about all of these things this semester. Plus, I'm so excited bc you live in Lincoln and I have never heard of the Saucy Cook, but now you've got me excited. SOOO nice to meet ya! :)
