Monday, September 10, 2012

Nettie Jean: 1 Month

*Photos courtesy of Dani Attanasio with Attanasio Photography


Loves snuggling, especially with daddy and when she's all wrapped up in her bamboo Aden & Anais blanket.

Loves laying with her head arched back, looking up. This was actually how she was presented when I tried delivering, and the reason I had to have a c-section.

Loves to always be moving.

Loves being in her car seat.

Loves being outside, going on walks, and watching the trees blow in the wind.

At 2 1/2 weeks she started skipping her late night feeding all on her own. She eats once in the middle of the night, and once early in the morning. Looking forward to when we start skipping that middle of the night feeding!

She is a great eater, but very impatient. I've struggled with a low supply from day one, so I have had to nurse, pump and bottle feed what I pump at each feeding. Needless to say, she has had to deal with all of that right alongside me. 

Loves laying on her side.

Can fall asleep on her own. Sometimes she needs me to put the pacifier back in her mouth and pat her back to let her know I'm there.

I have started being able to recognize her different cries. She has a very specific cry for when she just wants some lovin', and a very specific cry for when she wants her food now!

Really strong. Since week one, has been able to hold her head up and stand up.

Like daddy:

Always has cold feet
Can be pretty demanding and dramatic
Loves to watch TV
Starting to look more like him every day

Like mama:

Loves Bon Iver, especially Calgary
Loves soaking in the tub
Loves massages, especially on her feet and back
Fidgety, especially when trying to fall asleep or get comfy.

Like daddy and mama:


I can't wait to watch her grow and see who she becomes, but I know I'm going to miss this tiny, cuddly stage. But that's why we have more kids, right? ;)

1 comment:

  1. I can't even handle how precious your little family is! Love the last part about you both being stubborn ;) So neat that you learn so much about who she will become so early!
